Advertising is essential for promoting your business to your target consumers. If your target consumers are based in USA and Canada then you can choose the specific traffic package. Buying the cost per call adverting in USA and Canada can turn out to be very effective for you as that helps you too reach out to the target consumers only. Your business is advertised only on the website that receives US and Canada based traffic. Advertising to these people helps you to bring them to your business and you can convert this traffic into consumers easily. Cost per call advertising is a cost effective model of advertising where you are required to pay to the advertiser for every call that you receive through the ad. The ads encourage the people to call you can ne promoted through Google adwords or other means. When the target consumer clicks on the ad to call you that is when you are charged for it. Since you are aiming at USA and Canada based users only, the ad network ensures that the ads are promoted to the USA and Canada based users only. This helps ensure that you are getting targeted traffic. To know more about such traffic packages, you can visit